Fitting Instructions & Schedule A Fitting
Have a helper stand your horse square on level ground (cement if possible). Stand your horse with his head straight ahead & in a normal position, not up in the air & not on the ground. Take pictures of your horse from a 90 degree angle of his shoulder. Take a couple of shots from the left & right side. Next, take a few shots from behind your horse. You may have to stand on a ladder or bucket. Clip your horse’s mane up with a clothes pin or clip, so we can see both shoulders. We need the wither area & not the rear. Pictures of the horse with current saddle alone & with rider may also help. We’ll need to know the fit & brand of the saddle pictured. If a Double J saddle, provide the saddle’s serial number (stamped in the gullet area). You may also consider our saddle Demo Program.
For a $200 fee we will custom fit your horse with a saddle tree at our shop in Yoakum, TX. This is the absolute best way to ensure proper fit for your horse. We have many variations of fitting trees available to accommodate a broad variety of horses. So if you in the area, bring your horse down and we will set our trees directly on the horse and see which fit is best.
The fee is 100% redeemable upon purchase of your Double J Saddle from Double J Saddlery.
Using the correct pad & cinch can also help fit. We do recommend using a minimal amount of saddle pad. Too much pad can adversely affect saddle fit. We recommend mohair girths and nylon tie straps.
For info on our 3-way rigging take a look at our Saddle Page.
Feel free to call us @ 1-800-669-2535 with any questions or to book a demo saddle.
Please send the pictures of your horse and your name and phone number to: